For Sale
This is a project that began in 2014 and continues. It focuses on faith based materials which pass through our current capitalistic systems. It looks back to the 11th Century and the spread of faiths through pilgrimage. Pilgrimage traffic created new trading routes and avenues of commerce. Here I am focusing on Ebay's global commerce platform and how it allows the acquisition of each object and continued expansion of each faith and the materials associated with it.
These religious and scientific books; Bibles, Quran's, Torah's and the Origin of Species texts are examples of the continued commoditization of religion and science as each spread worldwide. I order each online through eBay. Upon receiving the objects in the mail I scan each package as they arrive from their original locations: Israel, Egypt and the Vatican. The packages contents remain unopened and unidentified in the images, while the postal graphics illustrate regional information of the origin.
The colored numbers on each page signify the rating and feedback from purchasers at time of original acquisition. Color codes are generated for each seller from Ebay which is determined by the amount of feedback from consumers for each seller. As your feedback number increases, your color will change. Noted below the image are the sales numbers of each seller at time of original purchase and current 2016 sales numbers for each. The two year time span has allowed a new framing as numbers increase at significantly differing rates.
What’s on your mind? This is at the root of the questions and thoughts that begin the next step of the project.
Sent to sellers (1000 character limit) What’s on your mind? I am artist working on a project that started with a purchase from you in 2014. It focuses on faith based materials which pass through our current capitalistic systems. Influenced by the 11th Century and the spread of faiths through pilgrimage. Pilgrimage traffic created new trading routes and avenues of commerce. I am focusing on Ebays global commerce platform and its role in the acquisition of objects and expansion of faiths. Living during a time of fear and uncertainty in the United States and across the globe. The recent travel ban placed by the newly elected United States President on people from specific countries impacts forms of pilgrimage and capitalistic systems. I would like to hear from you regarding the current situation in the U.S. and how it will impact you. It can be only a few words, or as much as you would like. This is a link to my blog that shows the first phase images. Thank you